PRIVACY POLICY – H.T. High Technology S.r.l.

In this page will be describe the management method of the information contained within the site www.h-t.itwith reference to personal data treatment for user who consult it. This information is provided in accordance with art. 13 of European regulation numb. 679/2016, of legislative decree numb. 196/2003 Code regarding personal data protection, modified in Legislative decree number 101/2018 (“GDPR”), to those who access the site. The policy is available only for the site and not for other websites eventually reached by the user though link.

In this page will be describe the management method of the information contained within the site www.h-t.itwith reference to personal data treatment for user who consult it. This information is provided in accordance with art. 13 of European regulation numb. 679/2016, of legislative decree numb. 196/2003 Code regarding personal data protection, modified in Legislative decree number 101/2018 (“GDPR”), to those who access the site. The policy is available only for the site and not for other websites eventually reached by the user though link.


Subject of data processing, related to identified or identifiable people treated after consultation of our website, it is H.T. High Technology S.r.l. with register office in Via dei Mestieri 13 20049, Concorezzo (MI), P.I.: IT00896070968, Telephone: 03961191 (“Holder” or “Society”). Contact: to use also for contact with the head of data protection (who is lawyer Michela Maggi, piazza Liberty n. 8, Milano) and for the activity of the own rights interested referred to point 10 of this privacy policy.


The treatment linked to web services of this website take place at the headquarter of H.T. High Technology S.r.l. and are processed only by employees authorized to the treatment, or eventually in charge to occasional maintenance operations. No data deriving from the webservice is communicated or diffused.


For the cookies, refer also the extended information to the following link.


Data Navigation

The informatic systems and the software procedure in place for the functioning of this website collect, during their normal activity, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

These are information that are not collected for association with identified interests but, for their nature, they could be, through associations and elaborations with data of third, it allows to identify the users.

In this data category are included IP address or domain name of computer used by the user for connecting to the site, the address in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the hour of the request, the method used for sending the request to the server, the dimension of the obtained file as answare, the numerical code that indicate the state of the answer gave by the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters related to the operative system and to the user’s informatic environment. Those data are used with the only aim to obtain anonymous statistical information regarding the website utilize and to control the right function of this. The data are immediately erased after the elaboration. The data could be used for ascertain the responsibility in case of hypothetical informatic crimes to the detriment of the website: except for this eventuality, the data do not persist for more than seven days.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of email to the address indicated on this site (including cv sending) and/or the filling of the forms published, it means the successive collecting of the sender address, necessary for answer to the requests, and others personal data insert into the missive or curriculum vitae requests into the form, useful to answer to the request sent by the user.


The personal data of users will be treated for the following aims:

A) navigation into the site and for provide feedback to the user’s requirements.

Except as specified for the navigation data, the personal data provided by the user that forward, to the email address published on this website, requests of informative material, these personal data are used with the only aim to send the requested information and they are not communicated to third parts, unless the communication is forced by law or if it is strictly necessary for the fulfilment of requests;

B) Prior agreement of the interested, the personal data can be treated from the owner for marketing purposes, direct marketing, and also through phone calls on landline or on mobile, for profiling activities, for send information and commercial promotions of products and services also via third-party, for the organization and invitations to events or webinar, for sending newsletters, white paper and in-depth articles. Personal data could be also used for survey regarding the quality of the services received and for marketing research.

C) The data related to spontaneous applications sent to the email address reported into the website, are used from the society with the only aim of personnel selection.


Personal Data will be treated from the Society in paper format or with automated tools for the time necessary to obtain the purpose for which they were collected, in order to ensure, always, the security and privacy of personal data, in accordance with rules requiring appropriate measures to be taken to ensure a minimum safety level. Personal data of interested will be registered into Owner CRM.

For the communications will be use the following channels: post, mail, landline or mobile phone calls, sending SMS and/or MMS, messaging platform services, chat, any other type of similar communication.

Data treatment will be carried out from employees and collaborators appointed for this purpose by written act as authorised person or data controllers and required to operate within the limits and in compliance with the instructions given by the Owner.

For the aim A), except what is specified for navigation data and cookies, user personal data are treated for the time necessary to provide feedback to the data subject and for the following six months if the user requests other information.

Personal data regarding marketing finalizations referred to point B) of point 5 that precedes will be stored for 24 months, except for personal data regarding the purpose of profiling that will be stored for 12 months.

Referring to curricula vitae and to data related to them for the purpose C), they will be stored for 3 months and, if an employment relationship is established, separate collection and policy of personal data will be carried out. If the employment relationship is not established, the data will be deleted after 3 months from the collection occurred.


Except what specified, the legal basis of treatment related to the navigation on the Site referred to in purpose A), It is the legitimate interest of the data controller to allow access and view of the site to the users and to answer to user’s requests.

For what concern the finality specified at letter B) of point 5 (that is Marketing and profiling) which precedes the juridical basis of treatment it is the user’s consent

In relation, at the end, to the treatment of curriculum vitae sent spontaneously by the website users, referred to point C), the juridical basis is the execution of precontractual measure and the legitim interest of the treatment owner.


Excluding the browsing data, the user is free to provide personal data in order to solicit the sending of informative material and curriculum vitae. The lack to provide data could lead to the impossibility to obtain the requested information and, for the curriculum vitae, the impossibility to evaluate the position of the candidate.

For what concern the treatment for the aim specified at point 5 letter B), the providing of personal data is optional and any refuse will only preclude the end of the activity shown at point 5 letter B).


The personal data of the interested can be communicate to subjects who, for company, commercial or contractual needs, are inserted into the distribution of products and services of the society (for example recruitment society). They carry out of the activities of promotions, marketing and advertising specified at point 5 letter B) besides legal consultants. The entire updated list of the responsible of the treatment, as well as authorized subjects to which data could be communicated, it is available in the owner seat and it could be freely consulted if requested.


Related on the data treatment indicated above, the interested can exercise the rights deal with article 13 of GDPR as better expressed in articles 15-16-17-18-20-21 and 22 of GDPR and in the specific you have right of:

1. to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data which regard your person, even if they are not yet registered and their communication in intelligible way;

2. to ask to the owner of the treatment the access to personal data, in addition to the right of data portability;

3. to obtain the update, the correction and, when there is the interest, the data integration;

4. to limit the treatment or oppose, in total or in a part, a) for legitim motivations to personal data treatment that regard him, if they are pertinent to the purpose of the collection; b) to personal data treatment that regard him with the aim to send advertising material or direct selling or for market research or commercial communication.

5. To obtain the cancellation and the transformation into anonymous form or the block of the data processed in violation of the law, including those whose is not necessary the storage in relation to the aim for which they were collected or successively treated;

6. To revoke the consensus in every moment without prejudice the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation, in the cases provided for by law;

7. To purpose claim to the data protection Supervisor;

The interested party may exercise its rights directly and for free, contacting the following email address and reporting into the object “EXERCISE OF RIGHTS TO PERSONAL DATA” specifying which right requests or for written communication to the owner address.

Your request must indicate date, name, surname, request, address with aim of notification. In order to avoid any misunderstanding about the identity of the physical person who requests the exercise of own rights, the Holder reserves the right to request a copy of the identity document in order to confirm the identity of the applicant where necessary.

It is right of the interested to claim to the personal data protection Supervisor at the address

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